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defense mechanisms

To: datsun-roadsters@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: defense mechanisms
From: Chris Lyon <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:23:08 -0600
With all the talk about car jacking I something today that just might
intrest the more vindictive side of everyone. A guy was getting a tattoo
toaday and was telling me about his 89 5.0 that he was racing before it got
stolen and stripped back to stock condition. Note his car was stolen with
two clubs and a viper alarm. He says yeah but check out my new club. A 2
1\2 foot bar about 3 inches in diam. locks onto the wheel. you activate it
with a remote like an alarm. If its disturbed a beeping goes off for 5
seconds then whammoo arcs of electrical current around the bar and more
concentrated on either end. talk about a suprised thief. It runs on 3
9volts, a regular hand tazer can knock a 250 lb man  down on one 9 volt. He
said about 200 dollars at a local tire store. Awsome display of
discouragement if you ask me. I'm definatly saving up!

Chris Lyon
'69 1600
'69 2000

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