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Re: 4 on 3-3/4 hub pattern

To: <>, "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Subject: Re: 4 on 3-3/4 hub pattern
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 19:29:58 -0500
From: Jeremy Fergusson <>

>How about Lotus Seven Series II?

I don't know about the Sevens.  I think there were different patterens used
at different times, but I have no idea which ones.
>"Erik V. Berg" wrote:
>> Phil E. wrote:
>> >Cars using 3.75 inclusive
>> >Europa
>> >Elan
>> >Plus 2
>> >Spitfire
>> >TR7
>> >TR8
>> Not counting, of course, various racing cars that use
>> Spitfire uprights...
>> How 'bout the GT6?  How 'bout the Austin Marina?
>> Any others people know about?
>> Regards,
>> Erik

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