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Torque wrenches

To: "Chapman-Era (E-mail)" <chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Torque wrenches
From: Dave Billings <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 15:04:34 -0700
Hey all:

Looking to beef up my tool crib.  For a '66 Elan S2, what is the
necessary range for a torque wrench?  I think my real question is, can
one get away with only one, or is it a necessity to have the 5-45lbs.
*and* the 20-200lbs.?

And while we are at it, any recommendations for the best money/value
wrenches out there?  Snap-on probably isn't on my list, unfortunately.
I would also consider a quality used wrench if such a thing exists.



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