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Re[3]: Help - T/C electronic ignition

Subject: Re[3]: Help - T/C electronic ignition
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 21 May 98 15:48:17 PST
     Now that I think of it, the "for CD" Allison is (surprize, surprize) 
     Model XR700CD!

Subject: re:Re: Help - T/C electronic ignition
Author: (Chris Kantarjiev) at CCGATE
Date:    5/21/98 2:50 PM

Crane makes a nice CD system - the HI-6. (They also make something 
called the XR300, I think, which is not as full featured.) I 
really like the HI-6 - multi-spark, rev limiter (set by two
rotary switches), CD level spark.
But it seems *really* stupid that Crane hasn't integrated the points 
replacement into one of their spark boxes - they want
you to buy the XR700 and use it to trigger the other boxes. Ughly.
I plan, one of these days, to take a Pertronix Ignitor (points 
replacement) and rig it to trigger my HI-6. For now, I trigger 
it with points; does me OK since my rev limit is 6000.

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