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Re: Help - T/C electronic ignition

Subject: Re: Help - T/C electronic ignition
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 21 May 98 05:52:20 PST
     I have one at home but can't get at it and answer you until this 
     weekend.  If someone hasn't already answered you by then, I'll tell 
     you exactly what the instructions say.  BTW do you have the unit 
     intended for use with a CD (capacitive discharge) or the one which 
     assumes no CD?

Subject: Help - T/C electronic ignition
Author: at CCGATE
Date:    5/20/98 12:13 PM

Hi all,
I have an Allison electronic ignition module, which came on the car, and with 
no documentation.  And, of course, I didn't document the wiring before 
removing it, duh!!!  I tried the phone # on the unit, no answer (Monrovia CA).
Would anyone out there have the Allison module who has the original 
documentation or can look how theirs is hooked in?  I have a purple, a red, 
and a black wire coming out besides the 3 conductor grey cable to the 
distributor pickup.  I'm thinking the red is +12v, the black ground and the 
purple goes to the negative side of the coil.  But I need to be sure, these 
things fry if hooked up wrong.
73 ropa
Prather CA

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