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Carroll Smith

To: "Ken Claiborne" <kclaiborne@CCGATE.HAC.COM>
Subject: Carroll Smith
From: "Andres Sta. Maria" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2097 12:28:49 +0800

I received E-mail yesterday from the Lotus 23 Users Group Secretary,  Bill
Steagall, and learned something new - that Carroll Smith was with Lotus when
23s were being built.  This makes the autographed "Screw to Win" sticker you
sent me doubly significant!

Like the discovery that the Elan and the Black and Decker Workmate sitting
next to it in the garage have a common parentage, this is a pleasant
surprise, a great addition to Lotus lore.

Many thanks again.

Lotus 23 & 45
MSCC Manila

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