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RE: Bleeding TR6 brakes

To: <>
Subject: RE: Bleeding TR6 brakes
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 21:27:55 -0700
> I ordered another hose from TRF which matched the original perfectly,
> but I'm still unable to get that one line bled out.  My guess is that I
> could have kinked one of the steel lines which connect to the flexible
> hose or that the Moss hose had metric threads when it should have had
> standard.

If memory serves, there were different calipers used throughout TR6
production, and they did indeed switch from SAE to metric threads at some
point.  I don't think the soft line changed, but the short section of hard
line between it and the caliper did.

>  In either case, air seems to be able to make its way into the
> system.

Seems like if it were sucking that much air, it would also leak under
pressure.  Have you tried just closing the bleed valve and pumping up the
brakes, to see what leaks ?

> Also, even though everything was bled out and working fine before I
> started monkeying with the hose, could it be something else entirely,
> like the master cylinder, which is admitting the air?  (I hope not).

It's certainly a possibility, but if the MC was pumping in air, you'd be
able to see it at the other corners too.


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