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Anyone Remember Mr. Gibbons?

To: <>
Subject: Anyone Remember Mr. Gibbons?
From: "Glen Wilson" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:25:36 -0500
For the life of me, I can't remember his first name...

It was Ray Gibbons, right?

Anyone remember any old stories?

I think one time he had used a Dremel tool to cut a new timing mark in an MG
pulley because it had been installed incorrectly and the original V was in
the wrong place. It seems to me that someone spoke up and said that there
were a bunch of cars that left the factory with two V's just like that for
some reason or other, and that these cars had some rare oddity that made
them worth premium bucks. After that, we had a good time ribbing Mr. Gibbons
about traveling around the country adding a few hundred bucks to otherwise
average cars through the judicious use of the Dremel tool.

Mr. Gibbons was a wonderful man, and we all missed him when he passed away.
I remember that his son helped Rays wife to post a message to the list
telling us how much he had enjoyed his cars and his exchanges with us.  I
used to have a number of his messages stored away, and we shared some of
them in the days after his passing.

For me, this was the first time an internet friend (but a friend
nonetheless) had passed away, and I was a bit surprised at the sense of loss
I felt.


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