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RE: Insurance company observations?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Insurance company observations?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 19:46:35 -0700
> I believe there must be many sports cars insured with J C Taylor that
> might not be covered in the event of a loss if JCT finds that the car's
> engine was modified in any way and the owner represented the car as
> being unmodified.

No doubt varies from state to state, but in CA they are not allowed to pull
this kind of stunt.  If they will not cover your car, they must notify you
in advance of any loss, not decide afterwards.  Of course, they could try to
prosecute you for fraud for lying on the application, but I've never heard
of any ins co doing so.  Probably not exactly the image they want to
project, suing their own customers ... <g>


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