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Re: The Prisoner series on DVD- a source?y

Subject: Re: The Prisoner series on DVD- a source?y
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:21:24 -0800 (PST)
You've already figured it out on your own.  Same ending.


> Roland,
> The explanation of the end of 2001 is quite simple!
> What is shows is the inter-relationship of the bionic part of man's 
> ambition with the surrealist factor of his most inner thoughts of 
> life.  This is,of course, played to a background of the inevitability of 
> science taking a more fundamental role in the abstract part of the 
> universe.  Couple this with an absolute base regard for the actions of a 
> distressed and logic provoking inner examination and you have the kernel of 
> the endeavour.  Specifically, one must remove any pre-digested patterns of 
> symbiosis particularly when it is considered in light of the pseudo 
> machinations of the creator despite any reference to anything that may be 
> understood with any degree of clarity.
> Now send me the end of the Prisoner !!!!!!
> At 08:12 AM 12/10/01 -0800, Roland Dudley wrote:
> >Tell you what Steve, you explain the ending of "2001" to me (the movie,
> >that is, not the year- though I'm not so sure I understand the ending of
> >the year either), and I'll explain the ending of "The Prisoner" to you.
> >
> >Roland
> >
> >
> > > Roland,
> > >
> > > While I have not seen the set on sale, I have seen the whole series when
> > > new, and three re-runs.
> > >
> > > Loved the series, but despite having seen the final conclusion episode
> > > three times, I still do not understand it. If you do, please explain it
> > > to a frustrated fan.
> > >
> > > BTW: BOTH of those Lotus's ended up in Los Angeles area. The everyday
> > > working one had the Ford engine, and the other had the Coventry.  One of
> > > my friends at work got the working model Ford version. Patrick McGoohan
> > > brought the "real one" over himself, when he became an expatriate living
> > > in Santa Monica (by the sea).
> > >
> > > Steve
> > > --
> > > Steve Laifman
> > > Editor
> > >
> Regards
> Barrie
> Barrie Robinson -

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