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Re: classic car insurance

Subject: Re: classic car insurance
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 08:38:59 -0800 (PST)
No Paul, classic cars are meant to have $25,000 paint jobs (~GBP 17000),
polished so they can't be viewed in sunlight with out wearing a pair of
cool looking, made in the USA only, sunglasses, towed to all car events,
and, of course, never marred with nasty old grease or oil.  When will
you Brits ever get this right, anyway??!


>  >1) No classic car company (that I am aware of ) offers insurance    
>  >protection for
>  >any type of occasional use for transportation purposes, i.e. 
>  >shopping, going to
>  >dinner, to the golf course, etc.
> I think you must be talking about the USA, Jay, because classic car
> insurance in the UK almost always covers regular use. 
> The car has to be over 15 years old, you have to supply photos to get
> guaranteed value, and you state the mileage you want. Once you have done
> this you can use the car just like any other car. They figure if you own a
> Morris Minor, or even an E-type, you are less of a risk than the VTEC
> brigade.
> Keeps classic cars on the roads as daily drivers, which must be a good
> thing.
> Paul

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