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Re: XKs Unlimited Knock-off Wrench

Subject: Re: XKs Unlimited Knock-off Wrench
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 09:10:18 -0800 (PST)
Thanks TJ, I'll check this site out.

One thing I didn't mention about XKs' and home the built version is that
they have long extension on them, so no hammer wacking (hopefully) is 
required.  This is the main thing that appealed to me about them.

Another thought that occurred to me, and this might work for all 
variations was to put lead sheet on the contact surfaces.  I just
don't like the idea of metal-to-metal contact, except for something
soft like lead.


> Roland Dudley writes:
> > I find that for routine maintenance I have to remove the wheels from my
> > snake far more often than I do for my other cars.  XKs Unlimited sells a
> > wrench for eared knock-offs for $30 I'm thinking about ordering.  I'm
> > wondering if anyone on the list has one, and if so what you think of it.
> > From the picture it appears to be made of wood and is similar to one I
> > have the plans for and was thinking about making.
> Strange coincidence.  In Thursday's snail mail I received a catalog
> from (what's wrong with this picture? :^)
> Anyway, I noticed that they have a metal knock-off wrench for $40.  
> Their web site also shows what they call a "protective knock-off 
> wrench" for $22.  This nothing more than a metal plate with a hole cut
> out for the knock-off.  You place the plate over the knock-off and 
> then beat the plate with the hammer.  It's kind of hard to describe, 
> go to the URL below to see a picture.  If you have the proper
> metal-cutting tools you could make one of these plate things.
> Both the tools can be seen at 
> I have no financial connection to
> -- 
> T.J. Higgins
> Huntsville, AL

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