Oh well! - as a fully paid up Colonialist (note - not a colonist!) I have
to give a piece of trivia!
At the time the Declaration was not regarded as very important, this
emphazised by the fact that the signatories were allowed to decay by there
own populace. But did you know that an original copy of the Declaration
was found hanging on a Post Office wall in some small town sometime in the
50s to 70s !!!!!!!
At 09:55 AM 6/30/00 -0500, Jim & Ann Brown wrote:
>I let the recent post concerning the signers of our Declaration of
>Independence slip away accidentally, and darling wife, who has a revered
>rebellious ancestor on that list, would like to see it. Might the lister
>who posted same send it to me again privately? Would appreciate it.
>Now if I could just declare my independence from those bl**dy little British
>motor cars I am obsessed with. :-)
>And for our colonist buddies to the North, may you have a happy Canada Day
>Jim Brown
Barrie Robinson