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Re: Shoddy parts, slippery suppliers, mute consumers

Subject: Re: Shoddy parts, slippery suppliers, mute consumers
From: "Colin Cobb " <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 11:05:31 -0600
Hey Jay,

<< I don't know where to begin... >>

Somehow I am just not managing to communicate with you. I have not
criticized your pet suppliers. I have not criticized your stockpiling
practices. I have not attempted to defend "Kelvin," Moss, or anyone else. I
do, however, hate to see anyone get bum-rapped the way Moss has been
bum-rapped in this thread.

What I have said is that when parts or service are not satisfactory YOU need
to communicate with your SUPPLIER. THAT is how suppliers find out when they
are screwing up. You are, of course, at liberty to bitch and moan to this
list but it will solve nothing and is, frankly, pretty boring.

When I finally get around to installing the Pertronix Ignitor that I've had
knocking around for over a year, if I find it does not work I will be
unhappy. I will cuss about Pertronix. I will cuss about my own
procrastination. I will NOT cuss about the retailer I bought it from if the
retailer can't take it back... THAT would not be sensible.

I will, however, advise the retailer of the out-of-box failure because the
retailer NEEDS to know you can't leave Ignitors sit around for a year (or
(blush...) two) before installing them.


--Colin Cobb, Las Cruces, NM, USA
'41 Chevrolet Coupe, '65 Sunbeam Tiger, '66 Morgan Plus Four, '89 Alfa Romeo
>To: Colin Cobb <>
>Cc: British Cars List <>
>Subject: Re: Shoddy parts, slippery suppliers, mute consumers
>Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2000, 10:46 PM

>I didn't expect you to recognize all of the suppliers I mentioned since many 
>Healey or Spridget suppliers and I surmise that you are not an owner of one 
>of these
>vehicles, and none are boutique suppliers like VB or Moss. Sure a few are 
>very small,
>but most on the list are regular viable suppliers with a history. Your comment
>regarding the "individuals" is unfounded. If you don't know Joe Curto, maybe 
>cars don't have SU's.
>Nisonger bought by Moss? If you say so, I will take it as fact. That's news 
>to me. I
>haven't dealt with them in a couple of years.
>I knew you would criticize my comment about stockpiling parts. I don't expect
>restitution for anything I stockpile, but with regard to your comment about
>inspections, it is not possible to inspect a Sprite gearbox with disassembling 
>In the past, I returned many substandard and unacceptable parts to Moss and 
>full refunds. Now I just don't order from them and don't have to worry 
>about the buy,
>curse, return process.
>I'm bowing out of this thread. I think it's run it's course.
>If you're happy shopping at Moss, fine. I'm not and I think that the responses 
>other listers and defenses offered by Kelvin as to why they should continue 
>to offer
>inferior parts are weak at best.
>Jay Fishbein

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