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poor parts

To: <>
Subject: poor parts
From: "JAMES BROCK" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 10:27:03 -0400
After finishing a  rebuild of my Midget a few years back, I'm happy to add my 
two cents to this thread too.

I'm willing to pay top price for top quality parts,  but what I really resent 
is paying astronomically high prices for abysmally poor quality parts.  

I agree with the others:  Tell us what we're getting, and let the market work  
by supplying the price/quality combination that's best for us.

It sure does p*** me off to see the new body rubber pieces deteriorating after 
only a couple of years, especially when I think about the hard work involved in 
replacing it the first time around, and the even harder work in re-replacing it 
now (avoiding the latter was why I did the full restoration in the first 

Jim Brock
'77 Midget
'58 MGA in piece

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