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Subject: Obituary
From: (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 19:12:15 -0700 (PDT)

It saddens me to report the passing of Admiral Joseph Quilter (Ret.), who
died a few days ago at his home in Portola Valley, CA. Joe, a Morris Minor
owner since the mid-1950s, was written about in a number of publications
and was featured in the British Car Films production, "Minors Across

He was one of the few American Minor owners who, at over 90 years of age,
still used his Morris Minor convertible almost daily.  In fact, he had
driven "The Pip" down the hill to the senior center in Menlo Park, top
down, the afternoon before he died.

Joe made it to most, if not all, of the 21 Palo Alto British Car Meets
driving his Morris convertible (letting his son John drive the family's '65
Jag 3.8S).

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Phyllis, daughter Jane and son
John, a well known California model builder, British car restorer and
technical writer.

Rick Feibusch
writer/automotive appraiser
Venice, CA

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