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RE: British Car Week - Australian version

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: British Car Week - Australian version
From: Andrew Pursey <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 06:41:27 +1000

I see that you have a corresponding mix of marques, but the important thing is 
their LBCishness (try that in your spellchecker).

On Saturday I had a solo run in the MGA with the hard top removed and drove to 
a race meeting at Oran Park (South West of Sydney).  Saw no other LBCs on the 
way there and back, but delighted to report that weekend drivers on the track 
included Minis (6 off) and Cortinas (5 off).

Sunday was an MG Car Club run to Camden Airfield to go gliding.  The interested 
parties arrived by MGA (2 x roadster, 1 x coupe), MGB (1 x roadster, 1 x GT) 
and TD (left-hand drive, imported from Canada) - made for quite a good looking 
group on the road.

This week I'll be driving my Morris Isis every day around Sydney to show the 

Keep on LBCing.

Regards....Andrew Pursey (1955 Morris Oxford, 1956 Morris Isis, 1958 MGA+)

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