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RE: Trip to the U.K.

Subject: RE: Trip to the U.K.
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 9:43:12 -0700 (MST) (James D. Howard II) writes:

> I plan to visit
> London, Stratford, Oxford, Abingdon, Salisbury, and the motoring
> museum at Beaulieu (sp?).

If you're going to be at Stratford don't miss the British Motor
Heritage Centre at Gaydon, about 1/2 hour away.  Although they
still only had Rover Group stuff when I was there, that still
covers a lot of ground.  Well worth a visit.

Also, to make your trip worthwhile _avoid the motorways_.  A
complete bore.  Plan your trip around A and B roads, and make
plenty of unscheduled stops.  It takes 3 times as long to 
get anywhere but at least you'll know you were there.


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