Andy Ashworth writes - -
>As a former electrical engineer (before I saw the light and started
>writing software!) I've found the recent thread on Lucas coils and the
>need for a ballast resistor interesting, however, in Mark Jurras'
>posting of 23/1/95 (1/23/95 for the colonials :) ) he agrees with Jerry
>that the ignition dwell time is the same at all RPM. It is the dwell
>_angle_ that is constant with the contacts opening and closing
>controlled by the eccentricity of the distibutor spindle. The dwell
>time therefore varies in relation to the RPM - the higher the speed,
>the less time there is to charge the coil.
Andy you caught me thinking faster than I type. (Which doesn't say much
since I type so slow.) I meant to agree that the Dwell Timing is constant.
Meaning the dwell angle remains constant. It's a hold over from my valve
timing days.
- -Mark = =o&o
P.S. Engineers write better software than Computer Programmers can any day.