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Spring Bay Area Tour Planning

Subject: Spring Bay Area Tour Planning
From: (Scott Fisher)
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:27:56 -0800
[Apologies to people outside the San Francisco Bay Area, unless
of course you're interested in dropping for the event, in which
case we'd be glad to welcome you! --sf]

At last year's Day Before The Britcars Day (DBTBD) tour through
the Santa Cruz mountains, we started kicking around the idea
that we should repeat 1994's Springtime tour, but this year in a
different location.  So the current plan is as follows:

When:     April 30 (May Eve, a traditionally lucky day in Celtic
Where:    Filoli Estate, Woodside
What:      A tour of the estate, preceded and followed by mountain
                 roads in the area

What is Filoli?  The estate used as the backdrop for a number of
movies, TV shows, and advertisements.  Built by one of California's
19th-century "robber barons" (was it sugar or railroads?), Filoli
comes from this fellow's motto, "Fight, Love, Live."  It has
legendary gardens, artworks, and is a great place to walk through
for an hour or two by way of stretching our legs between fabulous
twisty roads through some of California's most beautiful scenery.

Now, for this tour I could use some help.  I've picked a date three
months in advance because we can't just show up at Filoli; it has
an admission and requires reservations.  So I'd like to enlist one
or more people from the SOL list to help me make calls, keep
track of respondees, and work with a couple of the clubs that are
interested in joining us.  TA Terry can add more information on
what those clubs are, but I hear there are three M.G. clubs, yes,
Terry?  Any volunteers will be gratefully accepted.

I'm off to another meeting right now, but I will be here at or on for anyone who
would like to volunteer.  Or of course you can call me during
the day at (415) 462-5841.  I'll talk more later about what kind of
event I've got in mind.

I hope to see you there, and I look forward to planning a wonderful
tour for all of us!

--Scott Fisher

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