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Re: New Spit owner!

Subject: Re: New Spit owner!
From: (David Brock)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 95 02:42:50 -0500
ER>Hi Tom,  In November of 1994 I became the owner of a 1966 MK II Spitfire.  I 
ER>am also in the process of restoring it.
TS>Hello, I've been following this group for about a week now, and figured it
TS>was about time I make my presence known. My name is Tom and I am the proud
TS>new owner of a 1967 Spifire MK II, which I am in the process of "restoring"

This is the kind of thing that I've been lurking for.  It's nice to see that
there are some other new users here on the list.  

I'm (also) a proud new owner of a '73 Spitfire, (or a *new* owner of a
*proud* Spitfire?) to which I would like to do some 'restoring', though I'm
very new to this and not sure where to even start, except that when
something isn't working, I try to figure out what's wrong with it, and ask
stupid questions until I can get it working again.  This is why I think that
I'm going to enjoy having this list as an info-outlet.  I can take the
flaming, but please try to be patient with me.  Everyone starts off stupid,

It's drivable now (well it's in the garage now, as it's below freezing here
in Ontario) and was last summer, and is in fairly good shape, as I had a
friend/mechanic look it over when I bought it last summer.

The engine runs well, but I have some problems with the idle adjust until it
warms up, as there's a piece missing from the front part of the (SU) carb,
that purpose of which, I think, is to change the mixture until it warms up,
by means of a metal valve which, when rigid, closes the duct, and when warm
& flexible, opens it (or maybe vice versa, I don't know) I also have a few
other unknowns on the carb, the most entertaining of which is a duct of some
sort which was plugged up with a rubber cork to preserve the vacuum!  I
think this might be  half of a dual carb set, who's other half was scrapped
some while back.  I remember hearing that dual carbs are a hard thing to get
set up and weren't worth the hassel, maybe a prev owner got a little
impatient.  Can anybody comment on this, or anything else about my
home-baked carb?



**Still trying to come up with some profound .sig file**
'73 Triumph Spitfire

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