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Re: Found a TR4 for sale; waddya think?

Subject: Re: Found a TR4 for sale; waddya think?
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 15:51:54 -0500
> He thought that in rough condition I should offer 
> no more than $1,500 to 2000.

>From your description, this sounds about right. It sounds like the spectre of
the late-eighties come to visit again, at least as far as the price he wants.
In 1988-89, he probably coulda got that much from some exporter to foist off
on the British home market...

If the frame itself is untouched by corrosion, or perhaps if only the
outriggers were squishy, it might be viable...the bodywork is mostly show,
not a structural part. Doesn't mean it isn't expensive or time-consuming to
restore, but it does mean that if your goal is to get it back on the road, a
seperate frame makes this easier.

But with a missing interior, I don't know. You can get all the bits, but it
seems there's got to be better projects than this...the surrey top is neat,
but it's like a factory top on a Healey. Who's ever actually gonna use it?
(And I've always experienced bad buffeting when out in a TR with a surrey

I'd offer $1000, tops, to start. If anyone else is a strong bidder, let 'em
have it! All of this, of course, IMHO.


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