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RE: TR 2000 sedan

Subject: RE: TR 2000 sedan
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 10:05:46 -0700 (MST)
"" writes:

[a description of a 6-cyl engine designed to be mounted at an

This is quite definitely a Triumph 2000 engine.  This was similar
to a Mk I GT6 engine, but without the block castings for the side engine
mounts, and it was installed at a 15-degree slant to help it fit under
the bonnet.   Note the 15-degree slope in the oil pan.  While it is 
theoretically possible to put one of these in a GT6 or Vitesse by swapping
the backplate, the oil pan and designing new mounts for the block, AND
replacing the dip stick which won't read right when vertical, I wouldn't 
bother.  Much more suitable engines are available.

Foolishly I bought one of these engines as a swap for my Vitesse engine,
but after going over it I realize this was a mistake.   However I was
very happy to get the manifold and carbs, as they're a perfect match
and will allow me to ditch the frighteningly bad dual-Solex configuration
Tessa came with...

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