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Another one runs again...

Subject: Another one runs again...
From: (R.M. Bownes III)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 10:11:17 +0500

Well, last night, after procrastinating for months on end, I spent some
quality time over at the garage working on the Spit.

After fiddling with a few small bits, like forgetting to hook up the
points to the coil, hooking up the manifolds, finding some electrons,
sorting out a bad fuse holder, reinstalling the radiator, putting
precious bodily fluids in all the right orifices, hunting down an oil
filter that would fit, and loosing the bolt that holds the rocker cover
on, I leaned over, hit the switch and lo and behold, it started right

Dosen't run worth a darn, but it does run. Now I gotta figure out why,
it sounds like it's running on 2 cyl and the fuel pump never shuts off.
I bet that the two are related...

And race season is just 4 months away! I might actually be ready this
year.  Anyone know where I can come up with a fibreglass bonnet?

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