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Re: What is "original"?

Subject: Re: What is "original"?
From: David Hallam <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 11:21:46 +1100 (EDT)
I think we should go to some museum definitions rather than use the
restores rather woolie, feelgood, it allows me to do what I like Definitions.

Original is as passed to us through time, untouched. This is rare!
Normally in order to use our cars they need to be worked on. 

"Restoration is usually made necessary by the need to complete an object
so it can convey to it's viewer a better image of what the object looked
like or how it performed a task in a previously known state.  The decision
to restore an object is a curatorial one, not one made on the shop floor
by a restorer."

Most of our cars are restored cars. Not originals. Nothing wrong with
that! Most are we hope restored to our interpritation of original
condition. Many hours are spent debating, by some, if that interpritation
is "correct". But Even if they are correct they are not "originals". Only
a car which has been kept in a barn or museum according to s strict
maintenace and monitoring plan, with minimal intervention and appropriate
excesise can be an "original".

This should creat a good string of discussion. It does in the aircraft world.
Standard Disclaimer
David Hallam
Senior Conservator of Objects
John Treloar Centre for Conservation Science
Australian War Memorial
Conservation of Functional Objects and Modern Materials
Without Treatment Development our past can only rot!


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