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Single ZS to Dual SU conversion

Subject: Single ZS to Dual SU conversion
From: Dave Chu <davec@ECE.concordia.CA>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 12:37:58 -0500
I plan to replace my single ZS to a dual SU on my 78 Spitfire this winter.  I 
have the manifold and two SU from a 67 Spitfire.  I was looking over all the
parts and notice that the dual set up don't have any vaccum outlet for the
vaccum advance on the distributor.  Does that mean I have to get a mechanical
distributor.  Has anyone done such a conversion before?  Any suggestions will
be aprreciated.

Dave                                      |\ |     | |                       
___________________________/\  /\  /\_____| \|_____| |_____    ___  ___  ___
  Dave Chu                   \/  \/       | /|     | |        |    |    |
  Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.             |/ |     | |        |--  |    |--
  Concordia University               Voice:(514)848-3115      |___ |___ |___
  1455 de Maisonneuve W. H915        Fax:  (514)848-2802
  Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8

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