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RE: J.C. Whitney

To: Rick Colombo <>
Subject: RE: J.C. Whitney
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 09:50:31 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 7 Dec 1994, Rick Colombo wrote:

> J.C.Whitney merged (or was bought by) Warshawsky's, a Chicago based outfit.  
> The phone number is 312-431-6102 and the address is:
>       Warshawsky
>       1917-19 Archer Ave.
>       Chicago, Ill. 60680

This may not be quite correct; I think this impression may be a result of
confusion deliberately caused by Whitney.  A quarter century ago (I know I
don't *look* as if I am old enough to remember a quarter century, but I
am), there were two catalogs, one for Warshawsky and one for JC Whitney. 
As I (dimly) recall, they were the same catalogs, but the prices in
Warshawsky's catalogs were less.  I believe Warshawsky was portrayed as
wholesale, but it has been a long time and I may not remember correctly. 

They had different addresses, at least they did back then.  But if you
actually went there, the store was on the corner of two intersecting
streets, with two different addresses, and with a sign that said
Warshawsky on one street and Whitney on the other.  I only went once (the
chaos you sense over the phone was magnified in person), but as I recall,
both doors entered into the same store. 

Maybe that has changed, but I have a Whitney catalog that came last week,
which does not mention Warshawsky. 

I ordered some stuff from them last month.  Part of the order has come,
part is on back order, probably forever.  Le plus que change le plus que
meme chose, eh? (Apologies to the french for any glaring errors.)

Ray Gibbons

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