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Re: Sterlings

To: (British-Cars)
Subject: Re: Sterlings
From: "Randell Jesup" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 13:26:20 EST
>  I am seriously considering the purchase a '88 Sterling 825SL. The car was a 
>joint venture between Honda and Austin Rover, so I suppose it can be 
>partially considered as a British car. I know that the cars were discontinued
>here in 1991, but do they still sell these cars in Britan? Does anybody own a
>Sterling, or have any information about the performance/reliability of the 
>car? Any information/stories/anecdotes would be greatly appreciated.

        My brother bought a used 827 several years ago (over a Mercur).  He
had one or two minor problems early on (battery died, minor electric issues)
but since then it's been quite reliable.  The car is VERY nice, exceedingly
comfortable.  I've never been in such a comfortable back seat, except maybe
in an old Bentley (but I was young at the time).  The biggest problem left
is that the radio resets when the car is off (not the time, but the frequency
and other settings - I suspect a missing/misconnected wire to supply key-off
power, but it's not important enough to them to bother fixing it after one
failed attempt).

        Nice car.
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D
Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer, class of '94
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