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Flame Wars IV, TR rebels strike back against the MG empire

Subject: Flame Wars IV, TR rebels strike back against the MG empire
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 09:45:06 -0800
In message <>  writes:
> R.e:TeriAnn Wakeman's comments about TR being faster and cornering better vs
> MG having better ride...and male chauvenist putdown....

????????????????????  Say what?  I missed that one

> (WELL! Such hallowed ground to trod on, that age old MG vs TR debate.) I just
> have to challlange your comments, (and I really don't wish to seem impudent)
> but from the generally accepted motor journalism of the eras involved,
> contemporary test results, personal experience with both marques, and
> numerous other sources... I must Protest! The common experience quoted in all
> the above experiences is that the typically TRs were faster, stiffer, less
> comfortable & more sparton than the MGs of the equal era,(agreement so far)


> BUT the great virtue of the MG was Always the Handling!
> Anyone who has ever put a TR3 vs MGA, TR4 (or worse, 4A-IRS) vs MGB, Spit vs
> Spridget, or TR6 or GT6 vs anything (but an MGC), especially in tight stuff,
> especially tight bumpy stuff, will surely agree that the MGs generally corner
> faster,

I love the way the MGB likes to try to tuck its front wheel under on a hard 
curve. =8^0  The feeling certinly convinces me to back off on the throttle 
before things get dangerous.  You get a safer ride by making it feel less safe

> brake better,

I haven't driven an MGA, but I do wonder how well a '57 drum brake MGA stops 
compaired to a disk brake equiped TR3?


> As far as your "female chauvenist" comment about "male chauvenist"
> characteristics,,,,

And I quote from my previous posting:

"if there is no REAL difference, you just get marque chalvinistic 
and put the other side down.  Its an hounored American tradition :^)  "
(complete text appended to bottom of this message)

>well, I think that the real chauvenism we're talking
> about here is Marque specific, notGender specific.

Yes, thats what I said.  I'm suspecting that your suffering from one of my most 
common mistakes, not reading the original posting closely & going after the 
wrong thing.  


> please don't try to sell the idea that a little friendly banter and
> competition is a "typically male" function, cause women do it to... 

It never entered my mind that only males could be marque chalvinistic.  Thats 
someting you read into my posting.

> May your oil leaks be small, and may the parts store owner have the chance to
> forget your name

Everyone in my local auto parts store knows my name...They know who pays their 

> John Morgan

Marshmellows! get your marshmellows for the big MG vs TR net flame!

I agree with Roland in that there's not much difference betwen a MG and a TR.  
They were both built to be cheap fun cars and teach people how to be a mechanic.
I just like the looks of the TR2->4A better than the MGA->Cs, don't like the 
safety features built into the MGB's supensions, or their SU fuel pumps, and I 
always thought there was something just a little unnatural about simese ports.
Besides we haven't had a good ol'fashon marque war since the Brit car vs Miata 
wars & I was getting boared.  Tho I hadn't realized we were going to get a 
battle of the sexes thrown in for free

Original posting that John was commenting on:

In message <> Roland Dudley writes:
> But aren't Triumphs and MGs pretty much the same thing?

close.  Both were designed to be inexpensive fun sports cars.  Generally the TR 
is a bit faster and corners a bit better, and the interior of the MG is a bit 
more plusher and the suspension a little kinder on the riders.  Its just that 
the Triumph & MG owners tend to be a lot like Chevy & Ford owners, if there is 
no REAL difference, you just get marque chalvinistic and put the other side 
down.  Its an hounored American tradition :^)

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

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