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status quo

To: akgua!att!
Subject: status quo
Date: 27 Oct 94 13:46:00 GMT
1.  To whomever asked about Bentley Steering:  I have a '37
so maybe the '68 is different but the '37 takes 2 men and 
a gorilla to steer.  It is somewhat a mystery since when the 
front is raised off the ground, I can turn the steering wheel
from lock-to-lock with one index finger.  I suspect something
isn't adjusted correctly when on the ground.  It is still 
great to drive, though.

2.  My MGA is making loud noises coming from the exhaust manifold.
I hope that it is just the manifold gasket.  I assume that this
replacement is straightforward. (i.e. remove the carbs, remove the
manifold, insert gaskets, replace in reverse order.) any suggestions?

3.  I bought a Georgia license plate last week .....  the first in 
18 years !  I suspected a big hassle however we've had some laws
changed this year and it was rather simple.  I showed them the bill 
of sale, paid 3 years back taxes, about $16/year, and paid the $20 
for the tag.  Total penalties, fines, taxes, tag came to $78. All

4.  I just painted the garage floor again.  I used a water based
latex, terra-cotta (looks like Georgia clay) paint.  I put down 2
coats which I've done in the past.  The problem is that rubber tires
will pull the paint up.  So this time I put down 2 coats of a 
water-based, 2 part, epoxy, clear coat.  It is recommended that it 
dry for 72 hours.  I put a de-humidifier in there and left the cars
in the driveway for 72 hours.  The car now looks like a museum with 
the 2 bs's in there, the british flag, the MG logo on the wall, and 
the framed picture of the Queen.  I love this hobby!
(correction:  "2 bs's in there" should be "2 bc's in there")  I would
still like to place some black rubber mats under each wheel.  I've 
seen this stuff somewhere.  I would cut some mats about 24" x 36".
Anyone rember a suitable material.  It is about 1/8" thick and slightly
ribbed.  I think that it comes in rolls.


Don Mathis

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