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Credit Card Purchases

To: "Scions of Lucas" <British-Cars@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Credit Card Purchases
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 27 Oct 1994 09:29:59 U
   Credit Card Purchases
Warning -- Limited LBC Content:  
Ray Gibbons writes: 
> Perhaps one can have a measure of protection if one 
> orders by phone and charges to a credit card.
> I believe one can refuse to pay the charge if the 
> order does not come.  Any lawyers here?
  Uh, don't shoot!  I'm not a lawyer!  BUT, I did make 
a rather large purchase a few years ago using a credit 
card.  The "goods" were not as represented.  I called 
my credit union, with which I have my VISA card, and 
explained what had happened.  They said to NOT pay 
that portion of the bill, to send them a letter which 
described the situation and to include any correspondence 
that had been exchanged as well as to list all other 
conversations and their nature.  
  They then forwarded this to the central bank which 
handled the VISA accounts.  The other party apparently
had 45 days to respond.  They did not (it was a foreign
company) so the charge was dismissed.  Thank goodness 
I had used a credit card! 
     --  Dave L. 

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