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Other news groups available

Subject: Other news groups available
From: martin_g@oldham.gpsemi.COM (Martin Grossman)
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 13:20:09 BST
Hello out there,

I got the address for this newsgroup from a friend and wondered if
there were any other similar newsgroups around which focused more on
individual makes of cars.

Although this group basically covers any british cars it seems to
concentrate on TR's and MG's.

I have a 1963 MKIII Zodiac ( designed by the guy who had a hand in
styling the Edsel !!! ) as regular transport and I'm looking at buying an
Alvis 3 ltr.

Anybody know of any newsgroups which may be of a little more in line
with my interest.

Thanks for your time,

Martin Grossman

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