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More Stickers...

To: British Cars <>
Subject: More Stickers...
From: Scott Currier <scurrier@RandomAccess.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 16:21:00 PDT
Since a few of you have been asking for the stickers
I finally sat down and figured my costs.

The transparancies ran me $35 for 100, so .35 per sheet
The stickers ran me $45 for 100, so .45 per sheet
The printing costs me .15 per sheet, so tranparancies
cost me 50 cents, and stickers cost me 60 cents.

Mailing costs around 58 cents I believe, I'll find out
tonight when I run them through my meter.

BTW, there are ten images per sheet.

ob brit car:
The DMC's temp guage went out now...
anyone know who made the DMC instrument cluster ?


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