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Re: Bodges

Subject: Re: Bodges
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 10:32:09 PDT
> breathing and avoid the curses and scorn of the German drivers, I had
> a friend weld a small tube into the oil filler cap, attached a hose
> to that tube and fed it into the intake manifold somehow (I think I
> removed a plug from a hole that was already there.)  Anyway, the oil

You should have re-routed it back into the crankcase.  The result would
have been reduced oil consumption and reduced cost.  What a coup.

> poor guy behind me, driving was once again great...until you closed
> the bonnet.  It bent the hose down after a day, so the old problem
> came back.  Since the bonnet was rusty anyway, I drilled two 3/8 inch
> holes in it, ran the hose up thru one and then down thru the other
> onto the intake manifold connection...problem solved.  
>      I just told my neighbors that it was really a handle to carry
> the thing home with!  

With my fix it would have been an oil cooler.

Guess that's why I'm a EE instead of an ME.

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