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silent alarms

Subject: silent alarms
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 07:53:00 EDT
Fellow fiends and jag-o-philes:

There have been some doubts expressed concerning the effectiveness of the 
silent auto alarms that notify police via a hidden radio transmitter.  I was 
curious about these too and whether or not the police would bother.  So, I 
asked a neighbor who is a deputy Sheriff in Wayne County, MI (the county in 
which Detroit, and myself, are located).  He surprised me by saying he 
estimated they (Detroit Police) recover 90% of the stolen vehicles so 
equipped and that each precint in Detroit has 1 car equipped with the proper 
receiver (donated by the company).  He says the cops view them as virtually 
guaranteed 'collars' and that they do indeed go for it.  In fact, they 
apprehended a teenage car jacker (who had shot the car's owner in the chest) 
about a month ago (car jacking is a popular summer/gang crime here in the 
gritty city).  

The problem he is aware of is when the car is taken inside some types of 
buildings (?) that shield the transmission; the police loose the signal.  He 
also said that there is a monthly fee for the system (sort of like a 
cellular telephone fee), that I was unaware of.  I am gathering that the 
system is pretty expensive.

Important note: neither he nor I have any thing to do with the company that 
markets these devices.  I'm not trying to promote these items but just add 
my verbiage to the discussion on auto (and driver) security.  He fudges on 
his golf score once in a while, but I suspect the above is largely correct.  

Will Zehring

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