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Re: Lbc safety appliances...

Subject: Re: Lbc safety appliances...
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 94 11:55:01 EDT
Many thanks to all who emailed me speedy recovery from my TA smash up.

While on the subject of safety, I think this has been discussed here before
but Halon fire extingishers are an endangered species.  This type of
extingisher is much prefered by most auto enthusiast because it leave no
residue (tho it is thought by some to kill the ozone).   Any way the balance
of the Halon extingishers are being sold off and after that, when you put out
the fire in your little british car, you will then have to try and clean off
all the white powder.

Here in the Bay Area, one can still find Halon extingishers at the Orchard
Supply Hardware store chain.  Get 'em while you can....

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