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Bugeye 91 Takes First in Class !!

Subject: Bugeye 91 Takes First in Class !!
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 12:09:21 +0000 ()
Well, I met up with (a justifiably pre-occupied) Roger Garnett in his blue 
bugeye at Mosport this weekend. He stayed rubber down all day and took a 
first in class after a Turner harassed him for a while on Sunday. So, the 
SOL people were done proud - well done Roger !! I loved your giant union 
jack on the trailer too.

Sorry we didn't talk more, but I HATE talking to people before going out 
on the grid personally and you looked busy.

Any way, for the rest of you it was a thin but interesting field of cars. 
Not a single TR or Healey in the lot though ! ?  One MGA and no Bs ??
There were two lovely Lotus 11s in aluminum, another bugeye, several 
Porsches and Mustangs (one Comstock 'Stang),  two Morgans and a (Super?) 
7, a Europa ...

The best field was the Monoposto bunch. It was great weather though , 
cool and dry for qualifying, and warm but not TOO much for Sat. and Sunday. 

Anyway, I'll not steal anymore of Roger's thunder. Forever now he can say 
"The first race I ever ran I took first in class".

Chris Ball

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