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Fading Brake Pedal

Subject: Fading Brake Pedal
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 16:15:18 -0500 (EST)
I can't recall who had a pedal that was firm then slowly fell to the 
floor, but gained stiffness with pumping. You'll probably get a thousand 
replies to this! It's the classis case of air in the lines. Bleed the 
system carefully.

You're sure there's no leaking and you've bled the system already ? Well, 
I'll still say that it's air in the lines at a high point where it's just 
not getting out. Write me back directly if you like and I'll try to find 
a piece from our club magazine a year back that dealt with a fix for this!

I had a club member who was going mad with this and someone wrote this 
piece complete with pictures (he was a Jag Mech I think) on how he used 
to fix this on Triumphs in particular.

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