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Re: Rostyle wheels for 3500S

To: (Geof Evans)
Subject: Re: Rostyle wheels for 3500S
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 13:44:53 -0600 (CST)
> *>>> Hey there evrybody. Never posted here before but I am trying to
>      locate some Rover factory Rostyle (14" x 6") wheels as fitted to
>      US spec '69-70' (and possibly later but not sure) Rover P6B's
>      badged as 3500S. These were very rare in England (although a 15"

Are these the same as the two-piece wheels on my 1966 2000TC?  These were
13" wheels with five bolts.  The centers were cast alloy and were riveted
to stamped steel rims.  The center resembled a Rostyle wheel, except of
course that it was 5-spoke rather than 4-spoke.

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