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Subject: Upholstery
From: gerry@hostel.lincroftnj.NCR.COM
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 94 10:46:00 EST
Someone wrote about purchasing an interior kit from VB for a Midget, priced at
$1000. Why would you want to spend $1000 on this kit, when you can do the job
yourself for less than $100 and probably end up with a higher quality result ?

I am in the final stages of uphosltering my Midget, I did all the work myself,
and it turned out to be very easy (at least a lot easier than the Scimitar I did
last year). It took me just less than 5 nights work, and I only had to farm out
1 piece to an auto-uphosterer (the piece of carpeting that covers the 

I bought a couple of yards of good-quality vinyl and 3 (?) yards of medium 
carpet from an auto-uphostery shop for $70 I removed ALL the interior pieces 
the car which includes the 3 pieces of padded vinyl around the inner footwells,
I made all necessary metal repairs (a couple of small holes under the driver's
seat), primed and painted the complete interior. 

Next I used all the old pieces as templates for cutting out the new pieces from 
the carpet or vinyl. I used contact cement to glue the vinyl and a hot glue gun
to attach the carpetting. Tonight I should have everything finished.

The end result is MUCH better than could be achieved using the availabe carpet
sets. All the different pieces of carpet are joined accurately, there are no
gaps where vinyl and carpet meet, in actual fact you can not see painted surface
at all.

The only parts I did not tackle are the door panels, as mine are in good 

Remember that on most lbc's there are few complicated/compound interior panels,
most are flat and fairly easy shapes. If you are handy with wrenches and have a 
little patient, then upholstery should be a doddle (just need a VERY sharp 
and a steady hand).


BTW - obviously if your are worried in originality and show points, then none
of the above applies.  

TO ROGER GARNETT :: I am volunteering to put together a "directory" of British
cars, if no else has started. More details will follow....

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