I went looking for the $600 dollar 100-4 last night. About 9PMish, I gave up
trying to find the address. Its near the top of the canyon off the main road
someplace. It seemed that they took the last 100 or so addresses and put them
in a hat for people to draw from (a 2500 sitting across the street from a 2016
and so on). The closest I got was 2040 and the owner had no idea where 2048
might even be or which direction to look in. This looks like it might be an
interesting weekend project.
TeriAnn Wakeman One of these days, I'll be old enough that
twakeman@apple.com people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344 TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561