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grose jets

To: "brit_cars" <>,
Subject: grose jets
From: "jbabcock" <>
Date: 20 Jan 1994 10:22:06 U
I saw your posting to the British mailing list last week, but I have been tied
up with a class that I am taking so I could not follow up.  Please excuse me if
I'm wasting bandwidth here due to someone else's follow up to this item....

I recommended the grose jets to you.  I can't tell you too much about them.  I
had a mechanic put them in for me when I had to have the car tuned up for an
emissions inspection.  I believe that they are not adjustable, but the mixture
is controlled by some other adjustment on the carb (?).  Sorry that I can't be
any more help.  I don't think that I have steered you wrong...this is supposed
to be a good mod for the carb since the ball bearings in the jet will not wear
nearly as quickly as needle jets (me thinks you do not need the needles if you
use the grose jets).

I assumed that there would be instructions with the parts.  Sorry I can't be
more help.  Reply if you have any specific questions, and I can check my shop
manuals to try to help.

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