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Springs are here.

To:, autox@autox.tema
Subject: Springs are here.
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 23:40:34 -0600 (CST)
The springs are here, but Spring is not.

The Eibach springs for my AP Europa came in yesterday.  They look
first-class.  They appear to be powder coated.  The logo and part number
is marked on each (as if one could mix the front and rear, one being four
inches longer).  The ends are well-squared, a good thing on coil-overs. 
The free lengths seem exact.

It is too cold to start installation.  I hear that it will warm way up this
weekend, though.  The TV guy says it may get up to 30F.  Since it is -20F
now, that is one heck of an improvement.  Beats the heck out of
earthquakes, though.  We had an earthquake in Minnesota a couple of years
ago.  No one noticed but the scientists.

BTW:  My incoming mail is really slow again, so if you sent me something,
it may get here eventually.  I've been several days with no list incoming,
but I know my stuff gets out because I get the usual bounces.  They must
follow my outgoing path back instead of going to our registered internet
gateway, where I think all my incoming stuff is piled up.
I got some kind of automatic reply a while back telling me I did not have a
BITnet address.  It assigned me one, so I added it to my sig.  I have no
idea what this all means :-)

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