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Re: British Cars Digest #1068 Tue Jan 18 01:15:00 MST 1994

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #1068 Tue Jan 18 01:15:00 MST 1994
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 94 14:12:44 -0500
re:  "one more Big Healey Back on the Road" and subsequent correspondence:-

>Glad to see that I'm not the only purist AGAINST the export of our
>ever-dwindling supply of out of production British Cars. Where are the days
>of the under-a-thousand-dollar British convertible? 
>Take care.
>Sandro Menzel      |  Network Administrator  | "Is it a Jensen or
> | Media Technologies, Inc |    is it a Healey?"

Hold on a minute!  What's so bloody PURE about being one of the a fat cat
Yanks who gobbled up 90% of the beautiful Healeys when they WERE in
production?  Eh? It so happens that I share with my 3000 the same heritage
(although not the same vintage), and I could never have found one in the
old country, since the obscene lure of the greenback syphoned off almost
the entire production to this benighted place with the wheel on the wrong
side. At least in most of Europe they can be driven as nature intended
instead of having to limp along at 75 under the baleful glare of the local
plods.  So I regard taking the beast to a better home as a rescue mission. 
As it happens, since I made my initial enquiry, my body chap has realized
that the little beauty he's been restoring is taking up space he needs for
bread-and-butter colloision damage work, so presto, she's back in one
piece, gleaming metallic golden beige with new chrome, top, rugs and
steamed out under the bonnet (yes, BONNET! peasants), and I can't bear to
contemplate a parting.  But if I do choose to flog it, even as far away as
Timbuktu, I promise to let you know so I can have another lecture on

        Seriously though - do any of you know where I can get a replacement
windscreen (!!) without paying an arm and a leg?  There's a little hole in
the current item which quite spoils the effect. And thanks to Bob Spidell,
TerryAnne and Sandro for the responses.  John Bradley (VROOOOM)
>End of British Cars Digest

John Bradley
Corporate Research
Exxon Research & Engineering
Rt. 22E  Annandale NJ 08801
USA 908/730-2902

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