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1500 con rods, need to swap + $$

Subject: 1500 con rods, need to swap + $$
From: Dennis <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 10:03:29 -0700 (MST)
I really need some 1500 con rods!!  I have some but for some silly reason
they have a hole drilled through them where the cap bolt which scews in
ends.  I assume that this is fine for the "normal" 1500 but I'm worried
about  using them in a 105+ hp motor.  I can buy a new set for about $140,
but would rather get hold of used ones, sooooo does someone want
to swap their con rods (must have matching caps) for my ones and I'll
bung in some cash too.  My ones are from a motor with only 40K miles and was
in good working condition.

Does anyone know why the factory should drill these holes??  I can only
think it is to prevent the bolts bottoming out but thats a pretty weak
reason, nes pas?

Cheers Dennis

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