I think you raise a number of good points:
> traditionally, it has been against "internet rules" to have companys offer
> things for sale or to even talk about things they offer for sale.
In the USENET newsgroups this is changing as there are a number of
groups devoted to announcing new commercial products. I think they are
usually moderated, but the copy is supplied by the company making the
announcement. So the precedent is there...
> a public notesfile, I suggest that as such we can make up our own rules.
> With that in mind... The Roadster Factory has been a model internet
citizen and
> has not commented on things they have for sale and have been esentually
> lurkers. I chatted with someone from TRF lately and he indicated that
I think this is a shame. I would much rather have their active participation
in discussions. If it comes at the expense of a few messages that would
fall in the "advertisement" category, I can live with that.
That said, things could get a little cluttered if businesses start posting
"daily specials" or somesuch. We'd start to look like prodigy! New
product announcements and announcements of major sales seem reasonable,
but announcements that some-small-bit-is-on-sale-today-only-call-now should
be discouraged.
Count me as "for it".
Thanks for bringing it up,