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Re: Puzzle with 5K parts

To: (british cars)
Subject: Re: Puzzle with 5K parts
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 8:39:24 MST
Take lots of pictures!

Try as I might I always seem to miss something!

But, I have started using new modern technology.  I now set up my video camera
and narate to myself as I remove each piece.  This is working extremely well
especially on intricate components such as carbs.  I have also discovered that
it helps find the tools that you thought you set on the bench but accually set
on pile of spare tires.  The videos can also make some wonderful late night
viewing.  I still take some pictures for the scrap book but I get everything on
Kevin Spooner                                  
The Sports Works of Greeley
Specializing in Triumphs and British Sports Cars                                                      


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