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Spitting fan blades

Subject: Spitting fan blades
From: "TOM WAGNER, Wizzard of old Audio/Visual Equipment........Nanaimo
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1993 07:59:01 PST
Drive a Bedford for the good old Alberta Government Telephones back in the
dark ages (yup we still had the good old "open Wire" running down the roads.

Beast just wouldn't warm up so I did the usual and stuck a cardboard in front
of the rad.  Don't know how many drivers before me did it so I can't establish
a time frame, but one night the mechanic went for a look see and the blades
starting coming back at him.  Said it nearly killed him (not exactly in those
words).  After stern lecture (not exactly in those words either) he informed
that if you do use a cardboard in front of the fan put a reasonable sized hole
(he suggeste  about 8 to 10 inches) in the centre.  If there is no hole it 
draws air from the back of the cardboard and off the edges setting up a 
vibration which eventually fatigues the fan.

I have sice tried the trick over the years and found the hole esn't (g;itch
on phone line, read doesn't) affect the purpose of the cardboard, but havn't
had a fan snap on me since.

73, Tom

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