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Re: British Cars Digest #997 Fri Nov 12 01:15:00 MST 1993

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #997 Fri Nov 12 01:15:00 MST 1993
From: (Bill Brown)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 07:30:17 PST
> Interesting.  I noticed the inside of my TR3 engine block is painted black, 
> same colour as the exterior.  I suspect it is for rust protection.

> Wonder how the concourse judges check the colour inside the block????/

Fiber-optic thing down the dipstick tube?  Kinda like the use to rebuild
(human) knees, etc?  

"Dr. Farthington-Jones!  Dr. Farthington-Jones, please!  Your presence is
urgently requested at the 3rd MGB on the right!"

Disclaimer:  These opinions are my own and have     |
    nothing to do with the official policy or the   |  -bill
    management of L.B.L, who probably couldn't      |
    care less about employees who play with trains. |

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  • Re: British Cars Digest #997 Fri Nov 12 01:15:00 MST 1993, Bill Brown <=