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Re: Trip to Oregon

Subject: Re: Trip to Oregon
From: (Richard George x 7247)
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 18:38:11 PST
Hello all you local PDX Britcar people,

As you may or may not know, Mike G. (I won't embarass myself by trying to spell 
his last name) is going to be in Portland wednesday-Friday of this week...

We were going to meet for some bench racing and good beer at McMenamins/Jenkins
 road - 2927 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd  on Wednesday, 3 November - I was thinking 
about 6 P.M would be a good time...- Is anyone out there interested in coming 

The place is on the corner of Jenkins road and Cedar Hills Blvd (on one corner
of beaverton mall).  Mail me if you need more explicit directions (which isn't 
hard now that I have real domain addressing...).


(Richard George)

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